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Create Powerful 3d Animations like Pixar and Dreamworks
yossi callomiti
Now YOU Can Create Professional 3D Animations, Games and Graphic Models Like Pixar and Dreamworks Studios Easily In 2 Hours or Less. Have you always wanted to create your own animations or 3D Games? What if I told you that you can produce animations and models like Pixar or Walt Disney easily and quickly from the comfort of your home…. with the same software that leading European studios are using. The good news is there’s a sea change is sweeping across the animation industry, transforming thousands of lives and home studios and it lies…in a powerful software that allows the ‘little guy’ to make BEAUTIFUL Animations With Minimum Effort… Listen carefully: If you’re after a professional 3D software that will allow you to create cutting-edge 3D animations, movies or games easily and cannot afford big name software like Maya or 3D Max, then this might just be the most important Article you will ever read.
Many video editors give users the ability to create 3D images in post production, but many do not allow users to import images from separate sources, and then combine the two videos into a single three-dimensional image. When creating a true 3D movie it is important to have software that supports this. Movie Edit Pro from MAGIX began offering this option in 2010, seeing that creating 3D imaging software was necessary because of the quickly progressing technology of 3D capable monitors and home television screens. With even simple displays, red/blue or red/cyan 3D can achieve 3D illusions. YouTube began offering 3D online video feeds using a variety of 3D formats.
To create 3D images and videos, there are several different methods you can use. Each use two images filmed from a distance apart, and then viewed separately. This process is known as stereoscopy, and like audio stereo, the two images create an illusion of depth with a binary input. These inputs are separated by using some of these different methods listed below: Different methods to create 3D Anaglyph this uses red/blue or red/cyan colored filters and specialized glasses. This has been one of the most common and popular because of its ease of use, and relative cheapness. Two colors are superimposed over an image and separated with the colored lenses creating the illusion of depth. Polarization systems Polarization separates the images by using differently polarized lenses, this allows viewer to retain some of the color information on the screen, and it widely used in theaters now. The cost of the glasses is a little more expensive than anaglyph, but still relatively low. Eclipse method or shuttered glasses Eclipse or shuttered lenses run a different shutter speed for each eye creating the illusion of 3D. Shuttered LCD glasses are the most common now, for high definition displays, computer screens. The drawback with this method is that the glasses are often expensive and are required for each viewer to get the full effect. Spectral separation uses specialized film on glasses that makes object colored red look closer than colors that are blue.
New systems without glasses some system has been released that do not require the use of glasses to view the 3D effect. These screens, originally designed by Sharp create the appearance of 3D images on a screen are known as autostereoscopic displays. These displays are commonly found on high-end laptops and are beginning to appear on hand held gaming systems.
MAGIX has moved into this field with its movie editing programs that even in older version will allow you to
create 3D effects
by combining cameras shot at different angles and using color effects, you can separate the images for viewing with red/blue or any number of lenses. Creating 3D animations can be a time consuming endeavor and demanded that you spend thousands of dollars purchasing high-end studio software. As a matter of fact, you needed hours and hours of time and most people, whether you are a professional or you’re just starting out, don’t have that kind of money to devote to high-end studio animation software.
But that’s all about to change..
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Best Regards!
Yossi Callomiti
P.S: Take a look at the videos on the site to see how YOU can create powerful 3d animations like Pixar and Dreamworks: >>> Enter Here to Watch The Videos
All the Best!
Yossi Callomiti
Work at HomeTrends of Today
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